Sep 2, 2008

Hippos Nail Polish

A few months back I created a gray and red treasury that made it to Etsy's front page. When I named it, the first things that came to mind that were gray and red were Elephants and lipstick. So Elephants and lipstick it was called.

Yesterday, I was lucky enough to snag a treasury spot, and filled it with lovely tones of gray and pinks. Elephants and lipstick could have worked again, but who likes to repeat themselves? So, it became Hippos nail polish. And, to my delight, it graced the front page a little while ago. Hmmm, what next Rhinos Eye Shadow? Anyway, as always it's such a delight to have my treasury chosen for the front page. When I checked, 3 sellers had sold the items that were featured. Yeah sellers.

this isn't the original list, as it was changed as items sold. You can see the original here.
until it's gone, that is.

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