Jan 14, 2010

♥ connections

the best way to discover new shops is to check out the favorite shops of people you ♥.  shops I like are bound to have other great shops on their list.  I started at one of my newly ♥'d shops, mooza.  On their list of favorites, I discovered another fabulous shop, oiseauxNoir. ...and so on.  follow my ♥ trail and see what other great shops I discovered.



Pearl and Pebble said...

Very cool collection here! I love to do this. It's fun to add new favorites and then go back another time and browse my pages. It's also a great way to stumble on fabulous blogs!!!!!

Pattie said...

Love these shops and that necklace!

My sister does the exact same thing with blogs, she just knows they eventually lead back to the one she started at...I guess in a since she is right lol

13threads said...

Delighted your trail led you to my shop.

And you're right, 'shops I like are bound to have other great shops on their list." Yours is on mine. Thank you.