Nov 25, 2009

Black Friday

I am offering free worldwide shipping through November, including this upcoming shopping weekend.  Many Etsy shops are participating in site wide promotions, offering sales to encourage shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday.  Let's hope everyone prospers from these events and beyond.  To celebrate, here are some fabulous pieces, in shades of black, from some of my favorite fellow jewelry artists. 


MissLucy said...

what a beautiful collection - thanks for including me! I'm participating too, if only I could ge around to finish the last 150 of my tags..
Good luck!!

Wear Your Wild said...

Happy Thanksgiving!
Good luck with your sale this weekend. Great selections! I've never seen sunkengardenbeads. Nice shop!

Jennifer Cowgill said...

I have your blog on my RSS and I love to see your postings. I was so thrilled when I saw my earrings up there for Black Friday! Thank you so much for including me with these many talented artists and friends.

I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!