Aug 25, 2009

Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds

We caved and got a puppy. Our daughter has been asking for a while and we considered it. Neither my husband nor I has had a dog before, but we both thought it would be nice. We decided to surprise her for her birthday, and had a puppy waiting for her when she got home from school. She couldn't have been happier. We named her Lucy, and she has been with us for 6 days now. It's a lot more work than I prepared myself for. Luckily, she is cute enough to make up for the lack of sleep. It's a bit like having a new baby, but thankfully they grow up a lot faster.


Wear Your Wild said...

She is sooooooooooooo cute!

Alison Kelley said...

What a cutie she is! I love the name Lucy, reminds me of "I Love Lucy" show, a favorite of mine and the Beatles song you mentioned, my boys love that song. My DH got them hooked on the Beatles :)

Congrats on the new puppy!

MissLucy said...

cute!! you're great parents - I know I couldn't deal with a dog, although my daughter (and her father) are trying their best to win me over!

TheGlassOnion said...

thanks you guys. she is a cutie. She just got her first shots today.

Alison, my daughter comes home saying "Lucy I'm Home", just like Dezi.