Yesterday, I was so on the ball with when the Treasury was going to be opening up. I kept my eye on it all day and was completely prepared with my items, title, etc. I'm no rookie when it comes to snagging a treasury, so I was more than confident when it came down to the final few minutes. There were 10 seconds left and I put my hand on my mouse, ready to click. Klutzy me, accidentally clicked an active treasury, and by the time I was able to get past the rainbow mandala, and back again, it was too late! I shouted a few obscenities and had to accept it. Next time, I won't be so confident. Here is what would have been my treasury last night...
Mrs. Peacock:
click for a closer look.
haha something similar happened to me this past Sunday nite ...
all of a sudden my comp wanted to start checking for viruses right when the treasury window popped open and so my comp froze!!!!
I got a treasury the next morning but it is frustrating!
hoganfe handmade
handbag originals
Well it was/is a beauty! Last time I went to snag a treasury, I did something similar. Oh well, there's always next time.
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